We strictly adhere to the Data Protection and Privacy Act, prioritizing transparency and your privacy. We require certain permissions from your device to accurately assess your creditworthiness and ensure a smooth loan application process. We guarantee that no information will be shared without your explicit consent, and all data is securely transmitted solely for service purposes.
Most recent update: November 4, 2024.
Permissions We Require
SMS Permissions
We need access to your SMS messages to thoroughly evaluate your loan eligibility. Only financial-related SMS data is analyzed, including sender and recipient details, content, timestamps, phone number, message time, and type. Non-financial messages are ignored, and only essential data is collected. This allows us to assess your credit risk and expedite loan approval.
How We Use Your SMS Data:
- Initial Review: After you grant permission, the app reviews your SMS data for financial information, but no data is uploaded at this stage.
- Data Collection: When you apply for a loan, the app collects up to six months of financial SMS messages, with a maximum limit of 3,000 messages.
- Selective Upload: Only SMS messages containing financial keywords are uploaded. Non-financial messages remain on your device.
- Local Storage: If you do not proceed with a loan application, your SMS data stays on your device.
- OTP Auto-Fill: Assists users with SMS verification codes and analyzes financial-type SMS.
We will request SMS permissions on the permissions page, OTP page, and homepage credit request page. If you decline SMS permissions, the homepage will guide you to enable it in settings; without enabling it, credit cannot be granted. However, other functions such as permission pages and SMS verification will not be affected. Your privacy is our priority; all SMS data is encrypted and securely stored on our servers (data transmission address:
Device Information
When you apply for a loan, we collect device-related information to protect your account and facilitate the lending process. This includes device model, operating system and version, CPU and performance details, unique identifier, development mode and simulator, display and brightness, and other environmental information. We also review installed apps to assess security risks and understand financial behavior, focusing only on financial apps.
Required Data Fields:
- Device Information: baseBandVersion, brand, modelNo, manufacturer, board, hardware, product, fingerprint, serialNo.
- Operating System and Version: osName, osVersion, kernelVersion, versionCode, versionName.
- CPU and Performance: cpuMaxFeq, cpuMinFeq, cpuCurFeq, cpuCoreNumber, cpuName, cpuAbi, availableMemorySize, totalMemorySize.
- Unique Identifier: androidId, gaId, imei, imeiOriginal, msi.
- Development Mode and Simulator: isDevelopMode, isSimulator.
- Display and Brightness: brightness, screenWidth, screenHeight.
- Other Environmental Information: defaultLanguage, timeZone.
We will acquire device permissions on the permissions page and homepage’s credit request page. If you choose to deny permission, the homepage will direct you to enable it in settings. Without enabling this, credit cannot be provided. All device data is securely transferred and encrypted on our servers (data transmission address:
Network Information
To maintain security and prevent fraud, we collect and use network-related information, including NetworkCountryIso, networkOperator, networkType, simCountryIso, simOperator, simOperatorName, isNetworkingRoaming, wifiSsid, wifiBssid, wifiRssi, macAddress, and ipInfon. By obtaining network information, we analyze network security, detect anomalies, and perform network monitoring and risk prevention. All network data is securely stored on our servers (data transmission address:
Data Storage and Security
All data is stored using industry-standard encryption methods. If you choose not to apply for a loan, your data will remain on your device. We do not share your information with any third parties without your explicit consent, except for legal or service-related purposes.
How We Use Your Information
The information we collect is used to:
- Verify your identity.
- Build accurate credit models.
- Provide customized financing options.
- Manage loan collections and repayments.
Data Sharing and Transfer
Your data may be shared in the following circumstances:
- Group Companies and Affiliates: To improve products and services.
- Service Providers: To facilitate credit-related services.
- Legal Compliance: As required by law.
- Security Providers: For risk management and fraud detection.
By using the iPesa app, you consent to the data collection, usage, and sharing policies described here.